Syria Implodes West Asia Explodes: Geopolitics CHANGED. Boundaries REDRAWN? PART 2#ChaxSimplifies

Syria imploded in early Dec 2024. With it, the geopolitics of West Asia, indeed of the entire region and the world exploded, with consequent global implications. Unlike geopolitics in the past that changed slowly, here there has been an unprecedented change , both in velocity and impact. What are the compulsions of the major players? From Israel that wants safely and security to Turkey that wants to become the Caliph of the Sunni world; from a diminishing power Iran to a rising Saudi Arabia, esp. after Iran and its proxies have been decimated, from a resurgent US to a diminishing China and a large number of relatively minor actors that can impact tomorrow, its time to take stock of the geopolitical compulsions and commence the process to gleam the future.

In the 1st part, we spoke about Syria, how it reached where it has. Now in this 2nd part, we will discuss the compulsions of the actors, leaving the implications and the possible redrawing of the regional boundaries for Part 3.

To find answers to all the above questions, view the video and indeed, also the part 1 and the upcoming Part 3.

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